‘Socks and Chocs for the Homeless‘ is an initiative started by Ian Northcott, and supported by his work colleagues, to provide homeless people in Birmingham, Coventry and Wolverhampton with a few basic home comforts at Christmas.
Last year they donated over 1800 pairs of socks and 2000 pieces of chocolate in addition to 150 sleeping bags.
This year, Ian’s aim is to raise the awareness of Socks and Chocs so that the level of donations can be significantly increased, so many more people, far less fortunate than ourselves, are able to have a small gift at this time of year.
Ian has come up with a novel idea to raise the profile of Socks and Chocs, but needs the support of everyone reading this to make it work.
Here we go then, in Ian’s own words…
“I was walking through Birmingham last night on the way back from a concert and was approached by a homeless man who needed money to buy a safe bed for the weekend.
After I had tried to ensure he would use any money to actually buy the bed I explained our Socks and Chocs For The Homeless event to him. He said “Man, I would love a new pair of socks, they make such a difference”.
In the run up to Christmas, myself and 5 colleagues collect Socks and Chocolates to be delivered to homeless people at Christmas. Last year we donated over 1800 pairs of socks and 2000 pieces of chocolate in addition to 150 sleeping bags.
I would like for musicians to cover my song ‘Pleasure‘ to hopefully help promote my Socks and Chocs event which myself and my colleagues do each Christmas Day.
I really want musicians to cover the song in as many different styles as you can. Forward it to your friends so they can cover it and let’s see if we can get it the most covered song on You Tube.I know most of you can do a better job than I can so go for it and put me to shame. Play it in any key just keep the lyrics intact and place the same chord numberings in any key. Please call it ‘Pleasure‘ and refer to ‘Socks and Chocs For The Homeless‘.
‘Pleasure’ by Ian Northcott
Here are the lyrics and chords:
Em Am
So Unpleasant to the eye of
the common man,
With sores, dirty bodies and scabies,
Asking for money,
Upsetting the ladies,
Nobody really gives a dam.
Begging change to buy a safe bed,
Hunger, addiction and pain,
Troubled existence,
Lives down the drain,
Nobody cares if they live or if they’re dead.
Am Em
Am C
It seems such a pity,
When you walk round the city,
Lost soles congregate,
Making commuters late,
Asleep on the streets,
On bus shelter seats,
Their pleasure a bottle of beer.
Politicians, the rich, don’t understand,
Middle England, conscience clear,
Open your eyes,
See their fear,
So much for the Big Society brand.
It seems such a pity,
When you walk round the city,
Lost soles congregate,
Making commuters late,
Asleep on the streets,
On bus shelter seats,
Their pleasure a bottle of beer.
Am Em
Am Em
Am Em
It could be me,
It could be you,
Your mother or brother,
So much we could do.
It seems such a pity,
When you walk round the city,
Lost soles congregate,
Making commuters late,
Asleep on the streets,
On bus shelter seats,
Their pleasure a bottle of beer.
Can you do something?
We deliver to homeless charities in Birmingham, Coventry and Wolverhampton. If you feel like donating a pair of socks to our cause, Coventry Cyrenians can take delivery direct to their HQ.
Please make sure you write Socks and Chocs 2012 clearly on the package.
Coventry Cyrenians (Socks & Chocs)
Oakwood House
Or if you are Wolverhampton based
Good Shepherd Soup Kitchen
Darlington Street
Just Giving
I have also opened a just giving site for people who want to help but don’t have the inclination to send socks. I would prefer socks as it fits with the whole concept but if someone can’t or doesn’t want to donate a pair then they could also donate via here.
Essentially instead of sponsoring us to do a charity run they would be sponsoring the team to collect and distribute socks and Chocs.
When I am tucked up warm in my bed in my nice cosy house I realise we could do more.
Can you do something?
Ian Northcott”

The Socks And Chocs team distributing your gifts to the homeless on Christmas Day 2011 in Coventry
…and here’s my ten pence worth
This is going to be a tough old year for many people, what with the continuing fall-out from the financial mess that this world has enveloped itself in, the continuing rise in fuel prices, the continuing rise in food prices, and the uncertainty of whether you will have a job or not this time next year….
…saying that though, we really don’t know how well off we are. Most families have centrally heated homes, multiple TV sets and gadgets, plenty to eat and a warm cosy bed to sleep off the days endeavours.
The people Ian and his colleagues are trying to help have NOTHING!
So everybody who reads this can do something!
Find out those socks in the back of your sock-drawer that your loving Auntie gave you a few years back and donate them! We all know that the reason that you have not thrown them out is that the sense of guilt would eat away at you having disposed of a gift from a loving relative. Donate them and banish the guilt!!!!
That big family size bar of chocolate in the cupboard… Donate it!!!! Think of the health benefits… and it will also help you squeeze into that sexy little number you bought for the Christmas office party (This is not sexist – it is aimed at Ladies and Gentlemen!!!).
Seriously, though, if you are a musician, have a go at making a version of Ian’s song.
If you are sitting there, reading this on your computer, laptop, iPhone, iPad, Mini iPad, Samsung, Blackberry, TV… take a moment to link to this page using the icons below, or link to Ian’s You Tube page Pleasure (Socks and Chocs For The Homeless) … This will take a minute of your life, yet could make a big difference to somebody elses…
Socks and Chocs For The Homeless 2012
Great stuff Frank…nice one.
Thus is a lovely write up thank you so much.
Everyone please have a go at the song but more importantly please donate a pair of socks.
I’m lucky enough to have all need. For some years my Christmas gifts to friends in the same position have been charity donations of some sort and I like finding direct and different help charities. Last year it was ‘knickers for Africa’ I think yours is a great idea and have just packed a parcel to send to Coventry. I’ve made a card to give to my friends and included one for you to see. Wouldn’t it be great if police forces all over the country took up the idea? Do you have a national internal police newspaper to advertise the idea?
Good luck to you all and God Bless you, Merry Christmas! Sue
Hi there, it is very kind of you. I would love it if police forces took it up but it isn’t actuàlly a police thing. We just happen to be police employees. Please follow me on Twitter @buskingbobby and thanks again.
I can’t sing very well or play, but am spreading the word. Will be posting a box of sockandchocs in the next couple of days. I live in Kent and wonder are there any distribution centres coming ‘down south’, although it matters not where the help goes. I love this simple and easy way to bring some small comfort to the homeless people out there. They should never be forgotten. I hope you reach and exceed your 1600 target. Very best wishes, good luck, Caroline
Come on everyone! As a good friend said to me not so long ago “A single act of kindness goes a long way!”
A good friend said to me “a single act of kindess can go a long way”
£1 pair of socks and 5 minutes of your time to post them could makes someones christmas.
I will be out on christmas morning dropping off socks and chocs to;
good shepherd soup kitchen
darlington street
Rosie – I may be on for helping you at this e-mail me at garysing1@aol.com
Listen to this version by James Woodward
Love this version!
That’s just awesome – haunting effect is spot on
Here is Ben Stancombe’s Version:
And one of my team Rosie’s version.
Thanks all – keep them coming.
Hi Frank,
I have also opened a just giving site for people who want to help but don’t have the inclination to send socks. I would prefer socks as it fits with the whole concept but if someone can’t or doesn’t want to donate a pair then they could also donate via here.
Essentially instead of sponsoring us to do a charity run they would be sponsoring the team to collect and distribute socks and Chocs.
Folks, if you are Coventry based then you can send socks directly here.
Please make sure you write Socks and Chocs 2012 clearly on the package:
Coventry Cyrenians (Socks & Chocs)
Oakwood House
If you are Wolverhampton based you can send Socks and Chocs here.
Please make sure you write Socks and Chocs 2012 clearly on the package:
Good Shepherd Soup Kitchen
Darlington Street
I am working with the Birmingham Christmas Mission too but we are struggling to find somewhere with them that can take postal donations so if you know anywhere that could accept donations on our behalf then please shout up.
Once again thanks to Frank and Gary for their support and my ace team of socks and choccers.
Ian do you have a drop off site Birmingham or Solihull pkease
I have written an iPhone/smartphone app to help you send details of socks and Chocs to your friends.
Feel free to do so.
App can be downloaded here:
Here is the latesst version by me with the fabulous Gary O’Dea on harmonika.
Try this link then as some people are having a few problems:
I have updated this link so it is now correct. Previous link was for you to edit your videos on you tube. Always use the link supplied on the “Share” button
Hi there.
Closed the show the other night at the Queens Head, Stoke Pound, Bromsgrove. Dan Sealey (Ocean Colour Scene) and Adam Barry (The Misers) invited me up but I had had a few beers. What a lovely guitar.
… This is pretty cool http:New York cop’s act of kindness goes viral
Me and Gary having a laugh the other day. Thanks Gary. A band form Scotland called “All She Knows” who I met by chance in Birmingham the other day are going to cover the song in the next 2 days. I will post here.
Just listened to all the versions of ‘Pleasure’ posted on Twitter whilst my grandchildren are enjoying a bouncy castle in the local park. Am amazed at how different they all sound and amazed how unique each cover is. That’ve are some very talented singers, guitarists and a fantastic keyboard player out there. Don’t have a particular favourite but do like the one with the Socks and Chocs refrain running through it, grandchildren joined in with that! Would love to hear a rap version of it or anyone like me who loves Bob Marley give it a go. Well done everyone for taking time and making the effort band well done Ian for composing, writing and singing the original
Hi Janet, the owner of this site and Gary O’Dea are doing. Reggae/dub version which should be posted very soon. They are just finishing the video as we speak.
Hi Janet – take a look here for The Pum Pum Wreckers version – https://handinglove.co.uk/the-return-of-the-pum-pum-wreckers/