
El Salvador

Finished top of North, Central America and Caribbean group 1
Finished 4th in Group 1
0 Goals:
Fifa Ranking:

World Cup Mexico 70: El Salvador

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4 thoughts on “El Salvador

  1. They all look like hit men from a drugs cartel :-)!

  2. No they don’t, their appearance is quite modest really, particularly compared with face aches like Uruguay.
    Just think that something 800 people died in a war staged between El Salvador and Honduras to determine which country played in the competition, just so they could play three games, lose all of them, concede nine and score none. That is a human tragedy if there ever was one.

    • Football and politics…thanks for reminding me of the corruption that surrounds world football…any football really.

      I was 8 years old in 1970 though mate…and i cant remember any of my mates mentioning your point!

      And I still think they look like hit men from a drugs cartel:-)

  3. I agree about this looking like a sheet of wanted posters for drug dealers. The fact that back in 1970 they couldn’t get decent photographs of such an obscure country’s players doesn’t help.

    I collected this set and still have it, so their names are more familiar to me than a lot of toidays players.

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