
London Olympics 2012…Don’t Extinguish the Flame

Well the games are over and what a great two weeks of sporting performances and achievements by Olympians from around the world…and none more so than Team GB… and the great British public.

Their legacy is to Inspire A Nation and I really hope that the two week phenomenon of inspirational performances that have lifted the people of this county like I’ve never experienced before and united it really does carry on.

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Inspire a Generation – British Olympics – The New Rock N’ Roll

Sat Aug 4th 2012… greatest ever day/night in British Olympic / Sporting history – fantastic performances and crowds from our athletes, rowers, cyclists etc etc…and fittingly our footballers get knocked out in penalties! Pah…prima-donas the lot of them and shouldn’t have been entered…women football YES…Pro male footballers (especially Premiership footballers) NO…and personally I’m not a supporter of tennis being in BUT well done to Andy Murray for gold in the men’s singles and possible another one in the mixed doubles final as I write this.

Jessica Ennis - Olympic Heptathalon Gold Medal Winner

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Bankers Greed - Murdoch's Lies

Bankers’ Greed, Murdoch’s Lies…Fat Cats and the Babylon that is Extreme Capitalism

Bankers’ Greed, Murdoch’s Lies, to sum it up… It’s simply wrong, madness and it’s destroying society, common decent values of fairness and law and order.

It is now complete madness how powerful some of these people and institutions become and end up ‘beyond the law’ that applies to the common man. The type of person ‘extreme capitalism’ produces is without any moral fibre… they are a diseased individual fuelled on greed and power and they need stamping out with a big boot.

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Birmingham Library – possibly the ugliest library building in the world?

Does anyone actually like the new Birmingham Library building? Why have they covered the outside in what looks to me like barbed wire?…it’s a library for gods sake! Why make it look so unwelcoming, harsh and incarcerating?

It’s supposed to be a building of learning, culture, education etc…it looks like a prison!!!

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Categories: A Better World | Author: | 2 Comments


Reduce your Tax Payments with Jimmy Carr

So Jimmy Carr’s accountant tells him that he can legally reduce his tax payments by using certain schemes.

What’s wrong with that? We all want to pay as little of our hard earned money into Her Majesty’s coffers.

If David Cameron and his government think that this is a contrived method of tax avoidance then surely they should be drafting laws to close the loopholes.

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Tony Blair is a War Criminal

Tony Blair is a War Criminal

Tony Blair appears at the Royal Court of Justice on Monday 28 May to give evidence to the Leveson Inquiry into the culture, Practice and Ethics of the Press.

The court Blair should be in is the International Criminal Tribunal at the Hague to account for the culture, practice and ethics of his lies that took Britain into the illegal war with Iraq, on the coat tails of George W. Bush, and which has left one million Iraq civilians dead and the country devastated.

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